8 supplements you should take to improve sports performance.

Supplements for masters athletes

Should I supplement?

This could be one of most common questions asked about sports performance.

If you want the simple answer, it's 'yes'.

As athletes, you are probably one of the most dedicated individuals, constantly putting your body under pressure to perform near impossible feats day in day out.

If this is you, it's likely you'll need extra help with holding on to nutrients even if you have great eating habits.

Plus, if the idea of being able to channel your inner Thor excites you then read on.

What kind of supplements can you take?

Let's start with the ones most people already know about:

Vitamins for masters athletes

#1 Multivitamins
The older you get the harder it becomes for your body to absorb nutrients. Taking some vitamins can decrease your chances of deficiencies.

#2 Creatine
Supports strength, power and anaerobic activity. This has been a game changer for me in my performance. If you're interested in learning more about creatine, read my blog here where I go into more detail about this supplement.

Creatine essentially allows your body to create more ATP, and the more ATP you have, the more energy you have.

#3 Beta-alanine
If you're a fan of Matt Fraser's and listened in to his Podcast with Joe Rogan, you would have heard him describe Beta-alanine as giving him a "third lung". Now if that isn't the greatest marketing tagline for a product, I don't know what is.

When we exercise, acidity is built up in our bodies, beta-alanine allows you to combat this. The less acidity your have in your body, the harder you can work.

#4 Pre-workout caffeine
Personally this one makes me a little sad because I have recently given up coffee, but seriously if you can tolerate it, and it makes you feel great, keep drinking it. Here's why.....

Coffee enhances fuel utilisation and the Central Nervous System. It basically allows you to work harder than you realise you are. Boom!

#5 Essential Amino Acids (EAA)
These are so called because they cannot be made in the body therefore either need to be cosumed through food intake or supplemented. EAA's support perfomance and recovery.

#6 Electrolyte solutions
As summer around the world approaches (except for North Wales obviously) this is going to be important to stay on top of. Electrolyte supports performance and hydration.

When the weather turns hot, don't just chug water, you don't want to clear your system out of its sodium, that's a recipe for disaster.

#7 Anti-inflammatroy formulations
Some examples are curcumin, ginger, spirulina etc. These help to reduce inflammation. Try adding them to your recipes.

#8 Supplements to support sleep
The better you sleep, the better you feel, the better you feel the better you move, its simple science. Some great supplements include L-Theanine, 5HTP, Valerian, ZMA, melatonin.

Still stuck and want to know how to eat for YOUR body goals? No problem, get in touch here and let's chat.


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