How to handle negative body comments.

Nutrition coach Sherry lifting kettlebell

Social media can be a dangerous place

I saw a comment on social media earlier this week about the toxicity of expectations of women’s bodies and felt inspired to comment further on the subject. The thing is, man, woman, big, small, fit or unfit, its really non of anyone else’s business. If we continued to place value on other people’s opinions, it leaves you with no room for growth because as you’re focusing on all that negative energy, you could be using it to do the things you enjoy. 

 Who knew people still said these things

Funny story, someone recently commented on my “masculine physique” and actually uttered the words “you look like a man”. I mean, really? Do people still say that sort of stuff? What am I supposed to say “why thank you, I lift heavier than my husband” – I don’t actually, but my legs are bigger than his though (true story). 

 You do you

Neon sign reads do what you love

Point I’m trying to make is, do what makes you happy, if lifting makes you happy then keep doing it and if eating cake makes you happy, then do that too. 

Its pointless trying to convince someone else that their opinions aren’t constructive and therefore unnecessary. 


You do you. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to continue on my journey to becoming an absolute beast. 


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