Sugar vs fat debate. Which one is worse for you?

Table full of breakfast with a balanced macronutrient split for athletes

The confusing world of nutrition

My mom's best friend's husband's uncle's step-son’s girlfriend Karen said "keto was the best diet on the planet", plus she lost like 300lb so it must be true right? Also, you feed your kids sugar? What kind of monster are you? (insert eye roll - oh wow my eyes went so far back I saw my brain.)

Why is sugar worse than fat?

It’s not. It just seems that way because of all the noise on social media.

You ever feel completely confused by nutritional advice, or worse, feel judged by someone else because your diet isn't like theirs? I feel you. Nutritional advice is super confusing. One day fats are bad for you, then suddenly they’re good, then all of a sudden sugar is the new bad guy, oh no wait, there’s also the evil gluten, but then carbs are good for you?  

Want to learn more about carbs and how it affects blood sugar and performance read the blog does sugar make you gain weight?

Spoiler alert, it’s actually a great source of energy.

Eat a balanced diet

If you ever feel like you want to bury your head in the sand until all the hardcore ‘diet’ warriors battle out until the final fight , then you’re not alone. Problem is, there’s never going to be a war to end all wars, because we are constantly learning about nutrition and the human body. What we do know is this: Nature is full of nutrients and a varied diet without too many restrictions is the best way to get these important compounds in. 

Stop with the food labels

So what exactly am I trying to say? I’m actually encouraging you to eat the things that make you happy. Enough with this “clean eating” nonsense. I once washed my bok choi because it was dirty as hell, but other than that there is no such thing as a “clean diet”. And yes, I’ve been there too, once restricting sugar, and refusing to consume “bad foods” because I thought I was doing myself a favour. Well guess what, you’re not. Restricting whole food groups means you could be depriving yourself of a much needed mental break or worse, you could be removing essential micronutrients from your diet. Not cool.

Plate of cookie represent fun foods that can be a part of a balanced diet

Go forth and liberate yourselves!

So here’s a little reminder to eat your fats and carbs and liberate yourself from whatever restrictions you’ve set, and if you’re still not quite convinced and having to ask the question “why is sugar worse than fat”, go ahead and read this blog post I wrote here does sugar make you gain weight?

Have a good day everyone!


How to eat better and improve your relationship with food.


How to handle negative body comments.